We are learnchess.online

We are a group of Chess enthusiasts with more than 20 years of experience in the field of Chess. Our training team includes Grand Masters, International Masters and many FIDE Certified trainers. Through this online Chess training we are focused on nurturing life skills that children need to thrive amidst tomorrow’s challenges.

About us

We are a group of Chess enthusiasts with more than 20 years of experience in the field of Chess. We first met and bonded at an Under 8 age category state Chess Championship some 20 years back, and ended up finishing at First, Second and Third places. The on-board rivals later turned off-board friends and the spirit of the game bonded us together forever.

After successfully representing our State and Country at various National and International tournaments, we finally decided to take a break from playing chess professionally and spend the rest of our time and energy in spreading this beautiful game around the world. This finally resulted in the formation of this online chess learning platform.

Our Vision

To ensure that children develop chess playing skills and to improve their confidence as a competitive player. Inorder to become a competitive chess player, one needs to have systematic training and practice.
This is where our academy can help you build and ensure quality training to all the students. We also aim to help people learn life lessons through the game of Chess and become better human being.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to enable students to learn chess in the most effective and scientific manner, to identify upcoming players and mold them into professional chess players.
To achieve this lofty ideal, we provide them competent coaching before sending them for tournaments. Through Chess, we train them to progress through the various stages of their career by providing an all-round enriching experience, one move at a time.